Innovation Day - 29 August 2024
Research and innovation for fast-track environmental transition in civil engineering materials and infrastructures -
Focus on Concrete and Asphalt Constructions and Infrastructures
Chairmen: Lionel Linger, Vinci Construction Grands Projets, Ivan Drouadaine, Eurovia/Vinci Construction
Scope of the event: the event will comprise a session of presentations by civil engineering construction and design companies and partners on their research/innovation works, giving feedback on investigation campaign with focus on applicability of new/innovative materials, products, devices, and/or modelling approaches for a fast-track environmental transition of the sector. The event will highlight lessons from these works, the limits of current knowledge and research needs for the next years and decades, as well as the needs in standardisation evolution, and links with policy makers. The presentation session will be followed by a concluding “debate”.
2 main fields of the construction sector will be considered:
- Concrete materials and structures
- Road materials and pavements
Contributions will include one or more of the 3 following axes:
- Materials (including low-CO2 materials, recycling, re-use), sources, and influence on materials’ properties and behaviour
- Conception and structural Design
- Standardisation
Topics of interest (including but not limited to):
- Cementitious materials: most promising trends to allow for concrete carbon footprint reduction
- Bituminous materials: new trends and worksite applicability, acceleration in asphalt materials recycling, reduction of production temperature, use of bio sourced additions, recycling in place
- Aggregates: new knowledge requirements for circular economy
- Contribution of modelling to the design of concrete structures
- Change of approaches for concrete and bituminous materials design, research needs, (need for) adaptation of present codes and guidelines to support carbon reduction at large scale
- Maintenance, inspection and investigation and retrofitting of existing structures
Concluding debate: "Environmental transition in construction, the link between research, innovation and standardisation, further needs".
How to contribute: Submit your contributions at: and select the topic "Innovation Day" in the drop-down list.
(i) Expected contributions: abstract, extended abstract or full-paper. First step: abstract to be submitted by 15 January 2024. Extended abstract and full paper, if any, to be submitted by 15 April 2024.
(ii) Presentations during the event: can be regular (10-12 min.), or flash presentations (5 min.)
Registration for participation: