Conference Competitions and Awards, PhD Travel Grants

Young Researcher Competition

Best paper award

The competition is open to any early-career scientist - Master student, PhD student, or PhD within two years after PhD defence.

Participation in the competition requires registration, which will be proposed during the paper submission and editorial process. The candidate must be the 1st and corresponding author of the paper, and the speaker at the conference.

The competition will be managed by a dedicated independent jury, composed of renown scientists.

The assessment of candidacies will be based on the evaluation of the paper and of the presentation.

Three awards will be given:

  • 1st award: 1000 € and an invitation to submit a paper to the Open Access Journal of RILEM: RILEM Technical Letters (Indexed in Scopus, Q1 Scimago).
  • 2nd award: 750 € and an invitation to submit a paper to the Open Access Journal of RILEM: RILEM Technical Letters
  • 3rd award: 500 €

Best poster award

The competition is open to any early-career scientist: master student, or PhD student.

Participation in the competition requires registration, which will be proposed during the abstract submission and editorial process. The candidate must be the 1st and corresponding author of the abstract, and the poster presenter.

The competition will be managed by a dedicated independent jury, composed of renowned scientists.

The assessment of candidacies will be based on the evaluation of the abstract and of the presentation of the poster during the poster session.

Three awards will be given:

  • 1st award: 500 € and an invitation to submit a paper to the Open Access Journal of RILEM: RILEM Technical Letters
  • 2nd award: 300 €
  • 3rd award: 200 €

PhD travel grants for the 78th RILEM Annual Week in Toulouse

RILEM is aware that young researchers from low- and medium income countries are often lacking the funds to attend international conferences but also has a great interest in including these researchers in RILEM activities. Therefore, the PhD grant provides travel assistance to young researchers, especially from lower- and middle-income countries, who otherwise may not be able to attend a RILEM Annual Week (RAW).

Application for the grant is open to PhD students or PhDs who graduated in 2024 and who are:

  • Under the age of 35 at the date the 78th Annual Week is held.
  • Residing in any of the countries where a special discount RILEM membership fee is applicable. Please refer to the RILEM webpage for a complete list of these countries.
  • Not awardees of previous editions of this grant.

Applicants should submit their abstract first and then a full paper to the 78th Annual Week via the standard conference route. This needs to be completed following the conference abstract and paper submission deadline. Within a month after receiving the abstract acceptance notification and no later than 15 February 2024, applicants must send an email to RILEM assistants at, with the following information:

  • One-page personal statement (PDF or DOCX formats) on letterhead
  • Abstract as submitted and accepted
  • A one-minute motivational video
  • A CV
  • A supporting letter from the PhD supervisor for PhD students OR a certificate that indicates the date in which the PhD degree was awarded (only for recently graduated PhDs)
  • A budget proposal for the expected expenditure to attend the event (that can include travel, visa, accommodation, and subsistence). The budget estimate should be made with due diligence, as overestimation could reduce the number of possible grants.

Awardees will be asked to present their work at the 78th Annual Week. 

The awardees will be selected by an international jury, on the basis of:

  • The scientific and technical quality of the abstract submitted to the 78th Annual Week (although the selection is based on the abstract only, candidates must submit also a paper).
  • The one-page supporting statement and the one-minute motivational video, to be prepared and submitted by the applicant together with the accepted abstract, explaining how the RILEM PhD Grant will enhance her/his career development and prospects, including future participation in RILEM activities.
  • The priorities set by the RILEM Educational Activities Committee EAC for the involvement of young researchers.

Awardees will receive:

  • A lump sum up to €2,000.00 (based on the budget proposal and submitted to the validation of RILEM) to support the attendance in person of the 78th Annual Week.
  • Waived registration fees of the 78th Annual Week.
  • A 3-year RILEM membership
  • The opportunity to have a formal meeting with the RILEM Presidency at the conference.

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